






My English practical training27JULY 

2023年07月28日 外部ブログ記事

?My English practical training?? I would like to make an effort?? and continue listening English this year.??5分間英語:小話(テラピーホウス)??今日のセンテンス?*Nothing special?Cram school (Diary)4I asked Chat GPT.How I could improve my English.?Also, I would like to have the text translated to Chat GPT.Here's the translation of the provided text into English:☆ Study Methods to Effectively Improve English Speaking Skills☆ By combining these methods and practicing them,?☆ you can effectively enhance your English proficiency.@ Listening Practice:By listening to English podcasts and audiobooks,you can get used to native speakers' pronunciation and speed.Watching English movies and TV shows helps improve  your?understanding of conversations and context.? Conversation Practice:Utilize online language exchange platforms toengage in language exchange with native speakers,which enhances your practical conversational skills.Participate in English conversation classes or groups as well.B Pronunciation Practice:Mimic native speakers' pronunciation toacquire a natural English accent.Utilize pronunciation correction apps and online resourcesto make efforts in improving your own pronunciation.C Grammar and Vocabulary Study:Use flashcards and smartphone appsto memorize vocabulary and strengthen your memory.D Self-Study and Daily Practice:Create a study schedule and learn a little every dayto steadily improve your skills.Choose topics and learning materials that interest you to maintain motivation.E Understanding Culture:Besides speaking English, understanding English-speaking culture and customsenables you to communicate more naturally.Engage with English-speaking culture through movies, music, books, etc.☆ The most crucial aspect is continuous effort and daily practice.Approach it at your own pace without rushing,and incorporate English into your daily life.This way, you can become a more natural English speaker.★I am inspired by the Chinese.★I will write a blog for my own study every day in English.★There are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes. Please forgive me.★I think there is an unknown point in description because I have no knowledge.★If you wont to know details, please check the source of articles, programs and images.★Source: 『基礎英語2』他





