






The New York Times 15APR News 

2022年04月14日 外部ブログ記事

?Live Updates: Suspected Brooklyn?Subway Gunman Is in CustodyA 62-year-old man, Frank R. James,?was arrested in connection with the mass shooting?on a subway train in Brooklyn,?in which at least 23 people were injured.?“There was nowhere?left for him to run,” the police commissioner said.(kouryuu)(nigeru)?5分間英語:世界の偉人 クララ夫人??今日のセンテン3*Are you going to start playing again ?*I took out a loan,*I take my notebook with me so that--.*He has had a great influence on me.?Cram school?I don't have special favorite genres in music.?But I'm interested in music.I like "Untitled Concert" and "Music Crossroads"in music programs.At the intersection of music,?Violinist Otani will play music in collaboration?with various guests.?I am surprised that the costumes of the Otani?change every time.Musicians are studying in Europe, not in America.I read "Why do living things die?" And "Lifespan",?I will introduce them. Please read it once.?What is written is almost the same.?"Why do living things die?"?Is more compact and easier to read.Lifespan is a world-famous book and sells very well.Both authors are enzyme researchers.?Yeast has a lifespan of one week.It seems easy to do research with yeast.If we wanted to improve our quality?of life in our lives.Don't overeat and do exercise.★I am inspired by the Chinese.★I will write a blog for my own study every day in English.★There are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes. Please forgive me.★I think there is an unknown point in description because I have no knowledge.★If you wont to know details, please check the source of articles, programs and images.★Source: The New York Times.?Image citation from the New York Times article etc.





